I played with your heart got lost in the game...
and I am sorry...
No I didn't play with your heart or if I did I was unaware...so I am not sorry
But I was bad, I didn't post anything in November and aside from this
most likely will not post anything in December, and I am so sorry about that.
I know I suck! I am sorry, I really am!
I have been busy...so so busy!
(And so so broke and honestly a brunch where the meal consists of pb&j and five dollar vodka doesn't need to be talked about, ever!)
Plus my apartment is falling apart and sorta smells like a public bathroom because of it (don't ask) so hosting is out of the question right now.
(Excuses! Excuses!)
Things are looking up though so don't worry!
If not cooking and eating and writing, what have I been doing?
Funny you asked, because basically those three things just not brunch-related cooking, eating and writing. Joe and I actually hosted Thanksgiving!
It was crazy!
I learned a few helpful things:
Turkey cook times are a lie! those asshole birds are going to do whatever the eff they want and they don't care about your plans- I respect that attitude, so I am not that mad.
Mashed potatoes should only be made with boiled potatoes not baked! I really don't know why I did that!
Sixty beers is not enough...
But bacon leek stuffing is amazing
And cute kids make people get along even when they are stressed, it's like magic!
Also leftover hash is not as good as you think it's going to be sometimes...
...Let's see what else has been going on I have been cross stitching a lot and,
I made some new friends...(I know good for me right, that's a totally new thing for me so just pretend you are proud)!
Oh and I got jalapeno vodka, I have yet to try it though...
Aside from that you just the usual hair-pulling-out associated with the holidays.
Every year I am all like "No, I am not going to get stressed I am going to get everything I need done and stay cheery as fuck and my plans are totally solid and so it will be amazing"
Then by the second week of November I am all like "For the love of doughnuts can this please just end already, I am going to ho ho ho punch you all in the face! Drive this sleigh straight to hell" and then I calm down and am all like "Next year better be better or I don't even know what"
*Any ways next year will be better though so it's all good.
(I am apprehensive to tell you all my exciting brunch plans because that
creates something for me to live up to...but I am going to anyways)
So most of my brunches may be evolving to "Crafty lady days"
My thinking behind it is:
I love crafts
I obviously love brunch
And I like my friends sorta kinda...enough anyways
The problem
I get distracted when I make crafts by myself
Joe doesn't like brunch
I never really have time for my friends...
So the solution is have my crafty (or not crafty) lady friends over make brunch for us (blerg about the food here) and after we eat we all hang out and craft and talk...BAM!
Plus a wise woman once said "brunch is where people wine about problems that aren't real" and who is better at that than a group of cat lovin' ladies who craft?
(The answer is no one!)
I will be dedicating one of my first posts of 2013 to one of my life long heroes (there will be some glitter involved)
Can you guess who?
I also plan to be putting up A LOT more pictures in with my posts...(you know like of the food and stuff)!
Uh...well I guess the only other plan I have is having a doughnut bar brunch...
(no I do not care to elaborate)
So that will all be very very cool
Well, enjoy the rest of the year and whatever you celebrate may it be merry!
*This is all banking on the world not ending next week...