Tuesday, June 5, 2012

If it looks like a bubbling pan of sick and smells just about the same...

...Than it must be Cheesy Sleezy
Ah sounds appetizing right?

Brunch when you are broke is a little hard to pull off, or at least for me it is because I want to go all out. I want it to be fancy and pretty and elegant (it never turns out that way anyways but...).
So seeing as I am more broke now than I have been in the past few months and well June is going to be an insane month (and baby Bears brunch didn't happen surprise surprise...) I am going to dust off one of Joe and I's favorite cheap brunches.
We really can't get anyone else we know to eat this so normally is is just me and Joe super hungover eating this till we explode, while watching a Steven Segul movie at 1pm in our pajamas.
We found this recipe (along with our favorite sangria recipe) in this book, it's an awesome cook book and you should buy it!

All you will need is:
2- 4 eggs
1/4lb cheddar cheese sliced
1/2 tube breakfast sausage
1 green pepper diced
2- 4 slices of toast
1 can refried beans
black pepper
crushed red pepper
(It says to add onion and salt I think but we don't like onion so we leave it out, also optional hot sauce)

Okay I know it sounds gross, but just try it...
The book says this is all two servings but that is insane! Even if you half this or split it in fourths you will feel like a fat piece of shit after eating it...just a warning!

I promise it is good!
So basically what you do is, fry the sausage in a large fry pan when it's almost done all green pepper, black pepper and red pepper (not too much pepper, unless you like things spicy then do whatever you want). Once that's all cooked add the beans, mix it and then cover the top with cheese. Put a cover on it, let it get all melty! While it is getting gooey gross, fry the eggs (however you like, we do sunny side up), and toast the toast. When the cheese is melty get a plate put down the toast then a heaping pile of the beans/sausage/cheese and the egg goes on top cover in hot sauce and serve with a Korbel mimosa and a lot of black coffee and TA-DA! The only thing left to do is find someone brave enough to eat this with you!

That's pretty much our go to cheap brunch meal!
I would like to someday try this on biscuits instead of toast I think that would be yummy!

Short post for today but, like I said June is going to be crazy and I am too broke to host...and all my friends suck too much to do a potluck type thing...

There are some things to look forward to though, like maybe some Tips & Tricks guest posts and a brunch that incorporates my two new obsessions: Bellini and food that is served on skewers (Pinterest told me anything can be made into a kebab)!

Also I found this today and it is funny and this not quite so funny but interesting...so read them because I have nothing else to say! 


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